Get Our App:
We have apps for iPhone (iOS) and Android. You can listen to our stream from mobile devices. This is the most feature-rich experience of all the other streaming technology we have. Make sure your Phone is running the latest version of its software. Streaming is available only within the state of California.
Android 8 | iOS 15 or higher required.
Time-Out Problem on Certain Android smodel phones:
Some devices have power-saving controls that suggests certain apps should be “put to sleep” and this can cause this app (and others) to inconveniently time-out.
Here’s the fix:
1-Go to Settings. Go to “Device Maintenance” or “Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls” or similar setting that sets screen time or app timers.
2-Select “Battery” or “App Limits”
3-Select “Unmonitored Apps” . You will see a list of apps that can use as much power as they want. Or find your Station’s App and open the Timer symbol.
4-Adjut the time-out setting for your Station App to be as long as you wish. It’s possible that your mobile device has a default setting of 30 minutes or similar. This can be increased to hours in length.
5-Close this up, and your app will operate according to the custom setting you have applied.